Subject: Re: Materials for State of the BIDs Report From: Wilshire Center BID Date: 04/08/2016 11:53 AM To: Tara Devine

Hi Tara,

Here is where I’m at with the report. See the attached pdf. Please let me know what you think.

Thank you,


On Mar 18, 2016, at 2:51 PM, Tara Devine <> wrote:

1 ) Attached is a whittled-down Powerpoint layout (feel free to whittle it down still more in the layout if you like. ..use your judgment.) Miranda reviewed and we discussed earlier this week. I incorporated her suggested changes (minor.)

2) I previously sent you a link to the Google Drive photos, if you need me to send it again, just let me know. The name of the BID should be in the filename for all the photos.

3) Under separate cover, I'll forward some layout styles and/or actual reports that I like. But feel free to use your judgment or suggest ones you like. It's hard to find reports online that are similar in nature/content to this one. There are a lot of business/annual reports and a lot of government reports/studies, both of which trend a lot wordier than this. This is sort of a marketing "light" format with a bit more substance - 1 have had trouble finding reports quite like it.

I don’t really have any preconceived notions of what the layout should look like, other than going a bit more modern and/or urban than the last one. I think the last one laid out the content well, so feel free to use that as a reference as well as my Powerpoint. I'm attaching the prior SOTB Report in case you don't have it electronically.

I have no attachment to a portrait or landscape layout - your choice.

4) Let me know whenever you need input or assistance - I'm here to help. Thank you for offering to do this! Warmest regards,



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<201 6.03.1 5 SOTB Report Outline revised.pptxxState of the BIDs report.pdf>